DECEMBER 13, 2017

Members Present:
Steve Bench, Chairman/Zoning Administrator
Chris Breinholt, City Engineer
Marc Christensen, Parks & Recreation Director—excused
Paul Fulgham, Public Works Director
Shawn Warnke, City Manager
Cynthia Nelson, Deputy Recorder

Chairman Bench called the Land Use Authority Board Meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The meeting was held December 13, 2017 in the City Council Meeting Room at 102 South Tremont Street, Tremonton, Utah. Chairman Steve Bench, Engineer Chris Breinholt, Director Paul Fulgham, City Manager Shawn Warnke, and Deputy Recorder Cynthia Nelson were in attendance. Director Marc Christensen was excused.

1. Approval of agenda:

Motion by Director Fulgham to approve the December 13, 2017 agenda with the striking of items 3. b and c. Motion seconded by Engineer Breinholt. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

2. Approval of minutes: December 6, 2017

Engineer Breinholt said to delete a sentence on page two about street addressing on flag lots because it was a sidebar and did not apply to the subdivision they were discussing.

Motion by Engineer Breinholt to approve the minutes of December 6, 2017 with the change. Motion seconded by Chairman Bench. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

3. New Business:

a. Discussion and approval of the amended 2018 Annual Meeting Schedule

Chairman Bench said they typically hold a meeting four times a month, but it is proposed they meet twice a month instead. They plan to meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, which allows items to be sent to City Council the following week. They would add meetings when necessary and Board members will keep their Wednesdays open in case a meeting is called.

Motion by Director Fulgham to approve the amended Annual Meeting Schedule for 2018. Motion seconded by Engineer Breinholt. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, and Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

b. Preliminary Review of the Garfield Estates, Phase 3—Gary Madsen

Will be discussed at a later date when they have the required information.

c. Site Plan Review of commercial property at 850 West—Ben Johnston

Will be discussed at a later date when they have the required information.

d. Walk ins*

Although Micah Capener did not have all the construction drawings, he wanted to show the Board current plans for Tremont Center. He went over the construction drawings for phase four, which included the streetlights and eight-foot sidewalks across the front. Manager Warnke asked if they intended to bury the canal this spring. Mr. Capener said they will not start construction until March or April of 2018 and are going to wait and start the canal in the fall of 2018. Depending on the winter, they plan to finish it spring 2019.

Manager Warnke asked about landscaping from Dollar Tree headed west. Mr. Capener said he plans to do it when building other buildings. Engineer Breinholt asked if there was a jot, but Capener said no, there is about a half mile between there with three homes that he does not own yet. He showed where they have buried 505 feet and then showed another 750 feet to be buried. Engineer Breinholt asked if they would be required to bury it all. Mr. Capener said he met with UDOT and they said they would not have to. Engineer Breinholt said what about the canal company? Mr. Capener said they are being difficult so he does not know. He submitted everything to them and has gone through all the motions but the canal company has not got anything done. Engineer Breinholt said it would be hard to drop one in to finish out this section in between. Mr. Capener said they plan to bury part of the canal now, then when they own the homes they will bury that part later and then free form the last piece since they cannot drop it in and push it. Engineer Breinholt said it certainly could be done, just not as easy.

Manager Warnke said there is a zoning issue and asked to review that. I just do not want there to be a surprise in the end. Engineer Breinholt asked where Mr. Capener is in regards to the phase that deals with restaurants. Mr. Capener said most of the restaurants are high money, high liability and no pay. So he has shifted some of that around and is waiting to get those finished up. We have a couple leases and office stuff we will be putting together, but I do not have all the drawings finalized. I would have it done if I could get anybody to build it. Engineer Breinholt said you are moving away from the retail stuff then? Mr. Capener said no, it is all retail. There are a couple of offices, but the design is retail buildings. Engineer Breinholt said he thought that was the whole vision of this area. This is a huge change from what Mr. Capener came in with. Initially it was a bunch of shops and walk able area. With auto dealer—we are already zoned way different. Director Fulgham said is the issue in the mixed use zone? Manager Warnke said no he has a zone overlay zone. Mr. Capener said it depends if you consider it a retail business or not—it says retail businesses are allowed. Chairman Bench said they will have to go back to the Planning Commission because it is in the other zones. It could be categorized under retail, but we do not have it that way and most do not. It is separate because there are state laws about auto dealerships. Engineer Breinholt said it is a different level of retail—people do not think of that as retail.

Manager Warnke asked about design guidelines and prominent features. When Chairman Bench brought up the two-story entry look, Mr. Capener said it defined that any buildings built on the corner would have to have the two-story phase. Manager Warnke asked about gateway features. Mr. Capener said we put some examples of what we would potentially do there, but I think it would look stupid.

Chairman Bench asked where the auto dealership intends to build. Mr. Capener showed where the main building would be, with the service area in the back. They would have another building down the road with inventory along the front. Chairman Bench asked what the third building would be for. Mr. Capener said he does not know; it is another business they are going to be working with—a retail type business. He said with the easements they needed a few extra feet to fit the building so they straightened the road and took out the curb.

Manager Warnke asked Mr. Capener to submit all of his plans and plats so they can see how everything lines up. He said submit a rezone so we can sit down and look at the design guidelines to see where we are at and if we need to make changes. Mr. Capener said it is not going to help us get our 60 feet of frontage with that piece, but we are not too far off. We hope to build other buildings here but part of that depends on what we do with the storm water. He showed where the retention is and said, it may or may not be easy to build around with the canal coming this way. We will have to narrow that down. We may not have enough room from the canal easement and retention basin after we doze the homes. We have to see how that is going to look.

Manager Warnke asked if he has been putting in secondary water lines. Mr. Capener said we put a line in that goes back to the apartment complex. Everywhere else there is not enough landscaping to put in secondary and that is mostly on a drip system. We have grass, but not a lot. We anticipate needing it for the apartment complex because we are going to have three to five acres of landscape between those buildings. The other stuff has very little need. We planned on doing the retention basin out of dryscape.

Chairman Bench said he sent him a link to do the application for a zone change and the preliminary. Manager Warnke suggested they go though the design guidelines.

4. Comments/Reports:

No comments or reports.

5. Public comments: Comments limited to five minutes.

No public comments.

6. Adjournment:

Motion by Director Fulgham to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by consensus of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 a.m.

The undersigned duly acting and appointed Recorder for Tremonton City Corporation hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Land Use Authority Board Meeting held on the above referenced date. Minutes prepared by Jessica Tanner.

Dated this 10th day of January, 2017

Linsey Nessen, City Recorder

*Utah Code 52-4-202, (6) allows for a topic to be raised by the public and discussed by the public body even though it was not included in the agenda or advance public notice given; however, no final action will be taken.