September 28, 2016

Members Present:
Steve Bench, Chairman/Zoning Administrator
Chris Breinholt, City Engineer
Marc Christensen, Parks & Recreation Director – excused
Paul Fulgham, Public Works Director
Shawn Warnke, City Manager
Linsey Nessen, City Recorder

Chairman Bench called the Land Use Authority Board Meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. The meeting was held September 28, 2016 in the City Council Meeting Room at 102 South Tremont Street, Tremonton, Utah. Chairman Steve Bench, Engineer Chris Breinholt, Director Paul Fulgham, City Manager Shawn Warnke, and City Recorder Linsey Nessen were in attendance. Director Marc Christensen was excused.

1. Approval of agenda:

Motion by Director Fulgham to approve the agenda of September 28, 2016. Motion seconded by Engineer Breinholt. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

2. Approval of minutes: August 10, 2016

Motion by Director Fulgham to approve the minutes of August 10, 2016. Motion seconded by Manager Warnke. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

3. New Business:

a. Discussion and consideration of approving a final plat for Arbor View Subdivision – Micah Capener

Engineer Breinholt suggested the impact fees be used to upsize the pond so they have one pond, otherwise there will be one in Arbor View and one on Mr. Canfield’s property. Mr. Capener said he hopes to buy Josh Canfield’s property but he wants property for his animals. The detention pond needs to be 28,300 total. The total was reduced 25% because of the swell and it reduced the pipe size. If they had done curb and gutter the pipe size would have been 24 inch instead of 15 inch. The size of the pipe between the ponds is 24 inch because a 10 year storm stays in the pipes and the 100 year storm stays in the swells. The 24 inch pipe will get the water out of the swells and into the pipes. Mr. Capener can talk to Mr. Canfield and see if he is wiling to sell. They can prepare and have one storm drain if he is on board.

Going through the list they discussed the canal company allowing a diversion box in the right of way. Mr. Capener does not want to bring line across the canal and deal with them. Engineer Breinholt noted it will have to cross the canal. Director Fulgham said it can span the bridge. They will need to get an encroachment permit from the canal company. The secondary water can pump up to 200 psi depending on how they design their pump. The City tries to keep psi at 100. The secondary water will service 1200 South and up into Melody Park. Director Fulgham will go down thirty feet in the Tremonton Place basin and see what ground water is available as the quality is better than the canal water. Director Fulgham perceived the City would pay to upsize the pipe to 10 inches and Mr. Capener will start at his property line with a six inch line at the detention pond.

A chain link fence is planned along the railroad but it may change to vinyl. The minimum height of fence must be six feet tall. Director Fulgham would rather not have a fence along the east side of the pond as it is harder to maintain. The plat lists it as a high water area but does not list limitations. Mr. Capener said it can say it is recommended from the soils report to be less than forty inches. The engineer can put it on the plat. If they want to build deeper they will need to have an engineer approve. There will be a fifteen inch storm drain pipe in between the swells so a culvert is not as critical. In between lots there will be a drain. Engineer Breinholt said a concern is that people do not fill in the swell.

The City would like a Realtor Disclosure on selling property. Director Fulgham sends letters to residents yearly telling them not to fill in swells because they are for storm drainage and they will be liable if it causes flooding damage to upstream users. He also sends letters to secondary water users telling them not to hook to drinking water.

Manager noted the turn around is not shown on the plat but is on the construction drawings. They discussed City standard has the detail that controls the ADA ramp and sidewalk. Chairman Bench reminded they need to provide note of providing notice to utility companies for open trench. The conduit is ready and waiting for them. The construction drawing must show the cross section of 1200 South. Engineer Breinholt said it is an eighty foot right of way from the canal to the east and a sixty-six foot right of way to the west. Rocket Road has a sixty-six foot right of way so they can transition to sixty-six feet.

Mr. Capener will change the address to 280, have the turn around put on the plat, correct the language on the acknowledgement, and note as the road extends the turn around will be vacated, add note referencing forty inch basement depth and soils report, and field slope easement for sidewalk. The development agreement should call out who is paying for certain parts of secondary water and the upsizing of the sidewalk. They commented on the street monument. There will be no fee-in-lieus because everything will be put in. They will need to submit the mylar once the changes have been made. They also need to have the following: bond, escrow, and a construction estimate.

Motion by Director Fulgham to approve the final based on getting all the statements that we have just covered, and the engineers estimate to Chris, the bond and escrow set up. Motion seconded by Engineer Breinholt. Vote: Chairman Bench – aye, Engineer Breinholt – aye, Director Fulgham – aye, and Manager Warnke – aye. Motion approved.

Mr. Capener noted he will get the updates for Tremont Center. Chairman Bench reminded him the Board needs the information a week prior to the next meeting.

b. Walk ins*

There were no walk ins.

4. Comments/Reports:

a. Chairman/Zoning Administrator – Steve Bench

No comments.

b. City Engineer – Chris Breinholt

No comments.

c. Recreation Director – Marc Christensen

No comments.

d. Public Works Director – Paul Fulgham

No comments.

e. City Manager – Shawn Warnke

He asked about the progress on the annexation. The Board needs the information now.

5. Public comments: Comments limited to five minutes.

No public comments.

6. Adjournment:

Motion by Engineer Breinholt to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by consensus of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m.

The undersigned duly acting and appointed Recorder for Tremonton City Corporation hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Land Use Authority Board Meeting held on the above referenced date. Minutes prepared by Deputy Recorder Cynthia Nelson.

Dated this 2nd day of November, 2016

Linsey Nessen, City Recorder

*Utah Code 52-4-202, (6) allows for a topic to be raised by the public and discussed by the public body even though it was not included in the agenda or advance public notice given; however, no final action will be taken.