JANUARY 14, 2020

Members Present:
Micah Capener, Chairman—excused
Arnold Eberhard, Commission Member—excused
Paul Fowler, Commission Member
Troy Forrest, Commission Member—resigned
Ben Greener, Commission Member
Brad Janssen, Commission Member
Tom Stokes, Commission Member
Bret Rohde, City Councilmember
Steve Bench, Zoning Administrator
Cynthia Nelson, Deputy Recorder

Co-Chairman Greener called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. The meeting was held January 14, 2020 in the City Council Meeting Room at 102 South Tremont Street, Tremonton, Utah. Co-Chairman Greener, Commission Members Fowler, Janssen, Stokes, City Councilmember Rohde, Zoning Administrator Bench, and Deputy Recorder Nelson were in attendance. Chairman Capener and Commission Member Eberhard were excused.

1. Approval of agenda:

Motion by Commission Member Janssen to approve the January 14, 2020 agenda. Motion seconded by Commission Member Stokes. Vote: Co-Chairman Greener – aye, Commission Member Fowler – aye, Commission Member Janssen – aye, Commission Member Stokes – aye. Motion approved.

2. Approval of minutes—October 29, 2019

Motion by Commission Member Stokes to approve the October 29, 2019 minutes. Motion seconded by Commission Member Janssen. Vote: Co-Chairman Greener – aye, Commission Member Fowler – aye, Commission Member Janssen – aye, Commission Member Stokes – aye. Motion approved.

3. New Business:

a. Discussion and consideration of preliminary review for Tremont Place Subdivision Phase 2

Commission Member Janssen said is there a plan to connect through with that north subdivision? Administrator Bench said not necessarily. Lot 5 needs an access so they put that street there. Commission Member Stokes said I thought we could not dead end it, that we had to have a hammerhead or a turn around. Administrator Bench said if it is only one lot depth we do not require it. Councilmember Rohde asked if there is a road that could be hooked into that. Administrator Bench said there is, but some of that property has been wrapped around. These four lots on the south end were a separate subdivision. Commission Member Stokes said it is more than a lot deep. Commission Member Janssen said the one lot depth has to have access so lot four does not count since it has access. Commission Member Stokes asked about a garbage for lot five. Administrator Bench said they can get a garbage truck in there and back out in a short enough distance. Councilmember Rohde said if they are not going to go through with that then why put a road there? They could just run lot five farther across or make lot six bigger. Administrator Bench said that would save them a ton of money on asphalt. Commission Member Janssen said if they can extend lot five out to eliminate the dead end that would be good. Commission Member Fowler said if there is not a future plan to go through and connect to something else, then I do not know why they have that dead end at all. It is more of a hazard. Administrator Bench said he would mention that to the developer and see how else that could be engineered.

Commission Member Stokes asked about utility easements. Administrator Bench said we took those off except for the front, which is required at 15 feet. Commission Member Janssen said have we looked into the low water pressure for the existing homes in this area. Administrator Bench said this will all get looped to Tremont Street and around so that should improve it. Councilmember Rohde said this will give them two more exits too.

Motion by Commission Member Janssen to table the item until their questions could be answered. Motion seconded by Commission Member Stokes. Vote: Co-Chairman Greener – aye, Commission Member Fowler – aye, Commission Member Janssen – aye, Commission Member Stokes – aye. Motion approved.

b. Discussion and consideration of preliminary review for Edgewood Development—Bryce Goodin and Ryan Rogers with Visionary Homes

Administrator Bench showed the Commission the layout for all 36 acres. He said the blue portion is Phase 1, which is huge. They are putting the main road in and making three connections. On the south by Archibald Estates, they will have equivalent homes and lot sizes for a better buffer before it transitions. Up along the east side and as you go north are the smaller lots that will be single-family style homes. This area would be the retirement area, which is slab on grade for the 55 and older community and then the town home layout, which are future phases. Phase 1 will have 23 townhomes and 44 single-family homes. Co-Chairman Greener said they should clean up the property along 1000 West up to 600 north. I think this meets what the public was worried about—the buffer helps. Commission Member Stokes asked about a dead end. Administrator Bench said there would be a temporary turn around until they do the next phase. Mr. Goodin said this could depend on design and timing. They hope to start construction in the spring.

Motion by Commission Member Janssen to approve the preliminary plat and send it to the DRC. Motion seconded by Commission Member Stokes. Vote:
Co-Chairman Greener – aye, Commission Member Fowler – aye, Commission Member Janssen – aye, Commission Member Stokes – aye. Motion approved.

c. Discussion and consideration of preliminary review for Aspen Ridges Subdivision—Bryce Goodin and Ryan Rogers with Visionary Homes

Mr. Goodin said our first phase is going to have 30 units close to the canal and by the clubhouse. We are planning to put in the City trail at the same time. We are working with Manager Warnke and we think the fencing will be by the canal. All of these streets will be private. We have a dead end there, but are hoping to buy the upper piece and run the road all the way to 600 south. If not then we would have a turnaround. Councilmember Rohde asked about garbage. Mr. Goodin said in the past we have done the black cans and people store them in their garages. We are working on the clubhouse plans and amenities, which should be wrapped up in the next month. The house design is done and just like our other projects; only we made the garages deeper to fit a full size truck. When asked about timeline, he said about a year and a half for each phase. We will construct the clubhouse at the end of phase two. The Commission liked that there will be no driveways onto Rocket Road and discussed the eight-foot sidewalk, which the City will pay for half. Mr. Goodin said that for the last phase we would like to connect the trail all the way up to the school depending on the City’s plan. Commission Member Stokes suggested putting the retention pond near the clubhouse and utilizing that green space as a play area. Mr. Goodin said they are not typically used. We will make it look as pretty as we can. It is a nice buffer between the railroad tracks.

Motion by Commission Member Stokes to approve the preliminary and send it back to the DRC. Motion seconded by Commission Member Janssen. Vote: Co-Chairman Greener – aye, Commission Member Fowler – aye, Commission Member Janssen – aye, Commission Member Stokes – aye. Motion approved.

d. Discussion and consideration of Moderate Income Housing Plan

Administrator Bench said Manager Warnke and I have gone through this and the Commission will see a final copy before the Council takes any action. We met with the group who will help the City put this together and they have made corrections. Commission Member Stokes said it should be determined by what the real estate prices are versus individual incomes. Administrator Bench said it could be interpreted a couple different ways. There is still work to do; provide feedback and you will see a final draft prior to any approvals.

e. Review proposed Integrated Land Use Plan

Administrator Bench said we want the Planning Commission to go through this and make sure we did not miss anything or let us know if you want to see something different. A firm will look at the map. The firm, Planning Commission, City Council, and public will determine what land uses are appropriate and what the future should look like. The City applied for UDOT funds and was awarded $50,000, which will help create a full-blown plan. This outside firm wants to be public oriented while putting the plan together. There will be a few public hearings. Commission Member Janssen said will there be any opportunities to work with other cities and have them contribute funds so the plan does not abruptly end at our boarders without taking other cities into account? Administrator Bench said that is a good idea, I will talk with Manager Warnke.

4. Adjournment

Motion by Commission Member Stokes to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by consensus of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

The undersigned duly acting and appointed Recorder for Tremonton City Corporation hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Planning Commission held on the above referenced date. Minutes were prepared by Jessica Tanner.

Dated this 11th day of February, 2020

Linsey Nessen, CITY RECORDER

*Utah Code 52-4-202, (6) allows for a topic to be raised by the public and discussed by the public body even though it was not included in the agenda or advance public notice given; however, no final action will be taken.