Building Permit Requirements

There are some areas within Tremonton City where the municipal sewer is not available; therefore a septic tank system would be required. Approval and permits for this system are done through the Bear River Health Dept. at 435-257-3318

Plans must be legible, drawn to scale and of sufficient size to clearly indicate detail.

• PLOT PLAN – Drawn from a legal description showing the location of the structure and distances to property lines, utilities and right-of-ways

• ELEVATIONS – Include all 4 views (front, back, sides)

• ELECTRICAL LAYOUT – with meter and panel locations



• MECHANICAL LAYOUT – location of water heater and HVAC system

Floor plans must show the use of all rooms:

Unfinished rooms may be considered as storage; however, future use of rooms should be indicated.

Any of the above details may be combined on any of the sheets, provided clarity is not compromised.

The Building Code will provide engineering for the common (conventional) built home, however, multi-level and/or open spaced designs or homes with unusual amounts of window openings or special design characteristics will require engineering and stamped by a licensed structural Engineer in the State of Utah.

ALL commercial and industrial plans must be drawn/engineered and stamped by a licensed Architect and/or Structural Engineer in the State of Utah.

Please allow a minimum of 3-5 working days (residential) and 5-7 working days (commercial) for plan reviews and permit processing.